Foundation Expertise

The Foundation Repair Specialist

Over 47 years of experience, has been one of the most experienced foundation repair companies in the Houston, Tx area. Our area of expertise is fixing issues with commercial and industrial foundations.

Solutions To Your Foundation Problems

47 Years Of Undefeated Success

We take pride in being the leading foundation experts in the industry. When you visit our website, you’ll embark on a comprehensive journey through everything there is to know about your home’s foundation. Here’s why we stand out as the ultimate source for foundation expertise.

Quality Services

Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair can eventually be necessary due to extreme climate changes.

Root Barrier

A root barrier is a protective layer in the ground that prevents tree and plant roots from spreading into damaging areas.

Bell Bottom Pier

Bell Bottom Piers are a type of deep foundation used to support structures in unstable soil conditions.

Helical Piers

Helical piers are deep foundation solutions used to stabilize structures in unstable or shifting soils


A drainage system is a network designed to collect, transport, and dispose of excess water.

House Raising

House raising is a process by which a house is lifted off of its foundation and placed onto a new foundation.


Committed To Keep Foundation Healthy & Safe

We believe in empowering homeowners with knowledge. Our website is a treasure trove of in-depth articles, guides, and resources dedicated to all things foundation-related.

We Follow Best Practices

With decades of hands-on experience and a proven track record, our team of foundation experts has seen it all. We’ve encountered every type of foundation issue imaginable and have successfully resolved them with innovative solutions.

Project On Time
Modern Technology
Latest Designs

About Founders

We Are Leading International Company In The World

Steven Marks


Lara Smith


John Doe


About Projects

Our Latest Works

Handy Man Construction Site


Raising House Foundation Repair


Roof Replace


Replacement of Foundation


Whar Our Clients Say



Matthew Felix

Fantastic work, and I now feel comfortable in my own house. I’m grateful to The Foundation Repair Specialist for everything you did to keep my house afloat.


Barbara Clark

The proprietor was excellent! provided us with all the information we needed to know. The job was completed on time and according to the timetable. The team did a great job cleaning everything. I’ve suggested that my family utilize them.


William E.

They’re definitely one of the best teams I’ve ever met. They were very responsive all the time. Cleared all my doubts. I will definitely look none but them in future.


Stan R.

They inspected our foundation at no charge and told us exactly what needed to be done. We decided to hire them and we are thrilled with the outcome and the customer service.

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